Hyperwheel Overdrive: groundbreaking VR car combat featuring FPS mechanics, arena battles, racing & stunts!
Hyperwheel Overdrive: Changelog
Hyperwheel Overdrive has an active update schedule and is improving all the time!
v0.12.12 (Build 702): December 9, 2022
- implemented unlockable Golden Ring & Stunt Gap lists for each stage:
- collect race trophies for the ring list or stunt trophies for the stunt gaps list
- after satisfying prior conditions, find the hidden List in Free Play to unlock list
- lists of rings and stunt gaps with captions can be opened from the Progress page
- adjusted some unlockable conditions
- adjusted some golden rings & stunt gaps in various stages
- added some additional stunt gaps to various stages
- fixed bug with stunt gaps-based unlockables not evaluating after landing unique stunt gap
- fixed bug with stunt gaps not always triggering
- exposed telemetry data to Sim Racing Studio API (optional via a General Setting)
- fixed UI pointer tooltip position for short tooltip messages
- set unlockable panel to show up after trophy panel is closed if both being made active
- made power-ups and rings more efficient by taking colliders out of the animation
- added race time target difference info logging upon lap completion:
- uses leader time if not in first place with multiple players
- uses trophy time if player doesn't yet have gold
- uses top race time if player already has gold and is in first place
- expanded various vehicle decals to underside and/or axle connectors:
- Checker, Dots, Dragon, Fat Stripe, Heptagram, Hexagons, Radial Saw, Rings, Octagram
- Outward Spiral, Skull, Stones, Super Stripe, Tiger, Tiles, Tribal Star, V Lines, Zig Zags
- swapped out redundant "Flames" decal (similar to "Fire") with new "Yin Yang" decal
- added new "Biohazard" decal
- revised various race trophy times
- raised Boat Training Track starting spawn points so tires don't spawn in the floor
- increased message feed queue delay from 0.5 to 2 seconds to improve readability
- grouped total race & lap time messages when multiple records set to reduce feed spam
- improved stunt manager & stunt gap script efficiency (cached objects)
- improved world marker positioning algorithm
- set world markers not to fade out when too close
- set custom height offsets for different marker types (like player markers vs. checkpoints)
- fixed race HUD bug where race time and lap time weren't quite up to date at finish time
- set race HUD times to show millisecond accuracy after race is over
- added pointer hover rotation interactivity to vehicle display on Customize menu page
- implemented shot hit particle effects & hole decals for shots of remote players
- adjusted Stored Data deletion buttons to all be current stage-specific except "Clear All"
- omitted locked & beta stages from being saved & auto-loaded on next app start
- fixed forward position resetting bug when toggling between driver & spectator view
- added "Show UI in screenshots" setting to Capture Settings menu page
v0.12.11 (Build 694): November 25, 2022
- integrated LIV software for mixed reality recording
- added setting to show/hide driver avatar for mixed reality capture
- implemented custom mixed reality camera position & rotation while menu is open
- implemented setting for switching post-processing to mixed reality camera
- implemented camera control cube for changing camera perspectives on the fly
- added "Play Style" label to Control Settings and View & Comfort Settings menu pages
- moved screenshot settings from General Settings to new "Media Capture Settings" page
- smoothed out slider and scrollbar dragging
- added mesh-based glow effect to wheels for when post-processing unavailable
- fixed power-up quantity text position bug
- fixed bug where hands were stuck in unnatural stiff open position until first grab
v0.12.10 (Build 684): November 18, 2022
- updated Oculus SDK to latest version
- decreased initial player vehicle spawn time on application start by 2 seconds
- increased spectator movement & rotation speed
- made spectator movement & rotation less sensitive
- added server setting to allow crossplay between latest version & beta when compatible
- restored pointer drag functionality for sliders (was switching to analog stick automatically)
- restored pointer drag functionality for menu page scrollbars
- improved pointer UI drag position accuracy
- set analog stick dragging incremental sliders to speed up the rate over time
- added new "Screenshot Size" setting with 3 options: 1080p, 1440p, 2160p
- added new 75° default option to "Screenshot Camera FOV" setting (45°, 60°, 75°, 90°, 120°)
- overhauled "Customize Car" menu page:
- added "Previous" buttons to each selector for easier customization
- added Customization Slot D
- set slot button colors to be based on chosen primary colors
- added "Randomize" button for quick customization
- added 3D vehicle display to let players preview changes
- vehicle & driver customization changes:
- set default color & decal selections for all customization slots for new players
- tweaked many existing vehicle colors
- renamed and reordered some existing vehicle colors
- added "Yellow Green" and "Neon Green" vehicle color options
- enforced team colors restrictions on Driver Suits
v0.12.9 (Build 660): November 4, 2022
- disabled podium for races & challenges when there is only one player
- added delay before opening menu when a player dies and when the match ends
- additional improvements to terrain vegetation
- fixed rifle position & rotation update smoothness when held with two hands
- fixed bugs in match info display on Match menu page for Capture The Flag
- fixed match HUD text alignment & color issues
v0.12.8 (Build 646): October 27, 2022
- big graphics improvements to terrain & vegetation:
- updated terrain textures in Volcanica & HyperCorp Complex
- added detail & distance resampling system for terrain textures
- updated grass / vegetation system to latest version
- increased vegetation density & grass size in Volcanica & HyperCorp Complex
- improved grass rendering efficiency (draw calls & pixel fill rate)
- restored high tree quality (was using versions intended for upcoming mobile release)
- added a "Vegetation Draw Distance" graphics setting
- fixed bug that was preventing grass / vegetation rendering
- fixed issue with HyperCorp Complex grass being really dark (almost black)
- fixed post-processing (bloom / glow) for screenshot camera
v0.12.7 (Build 641): October 21, 2022
- added sounds and forces to Sky Fortress engines
- fixed bug that caused remote player driver to sometimes stop animating
- fixed bug that was preventing player & objective markers from displaying
- fixed bug that prevented rotating dynamic objects from rotating for client players
v0.12.6 (Build 625): October 7, 2022
- added new Flatland Pro Course race track
- updated rifle & launcher model (decreased number of meshes, redesigned launcher)
- fixed issue with rifle HUD position sometimes being offset from the rifle
- implemented surface splashes and water resistance for standard grenades
- improved particle effect recycling efficiency
- massively improved shot hole decal performance (implemented pooling)
- moved sprites to a shared sprite atlas to improve UI performance
- various UI optimizations (both HUD & menu system)
- refactored various systems to improve performance & made many small optimizations
- increased Smasher torque
- fixed third-person follow cam moving around when vehicle stopped
- improved third-person power-up interactivity
- fixed bug with grounded gyro sometimes engaging when boat goes airborne from water
- improved flight rotation physics & stability with no pitch input
- fixed 3D Comfort Cage setting
- fixed point steering input negation that occurred at speed with certain head/hand angles
- adjusted deadzones for point steering
- replaced a Flatland box wall with a kicker ramp to make tutorial flight section easier
- restored more detailed tire material
- altered Spiked Ball material
- improved kicker ramp texture display when viewed from a distance
- recreated octagon tower ramp texture at 2x resolution
- turned off voice chat system when in single player
- improved smoothness of point steering sphere
- fixed menu layering issues
v0.12.5 (Build 568): August 11, 2022
- fixed grenade bug where swapping hands didn't change activation trigger hand
- made grenade timer activation sound play for grenades loaded into launcher
- prevented new power-up from overwriting disable state power-up (Plane Kit / Boat Kit)
- reduced index trigger activation threshold to 0.25 from 0.5 when Oculus SDK used
- implemented ability to control grenade launch force based on max index trigger press
- changed Valve Index to use a partial index trigger squeeze for down state instead of click
- added "Use Index Trigger Secondary Action" setting for Valve Index to use with launcher
- increased grenade blast radius from 60 to 90 meters
- increased rocket blast radius from 50 to 75 meters
- adjusted explosion force system and slightly increased max explosion forces
- increased wheel spinning drag when wheel is airborne and torque is negligible
- changed tire squeal audio to dirt skid when wheels are on terrain
- fixed bot boat respawn loop bug for beginning of Boat Training Track
v0.12.4 (Build 567): July 29, 2022
- fixed bug that auto-armed recycled grenades when taken from pool
- restored missing laser rifle launcher attachment geometry
- resolved intro menu closing bug when player opened menu quickly enough
- fixed tutorial flag position in Vector Stadiums
- fixed formatting issue with health text when using infinite health
v0.12.3 (Build 564): July 19, 2022
- revised tutorial system:
- added voice instructions
- changed "Stunt" section to "Aerial" and provided instructions for Thruster Controls
- added floating marker UI for highlighting things
- fixed reference controller button highlighting
- fixed controller haptics bug where wheel damage caused both controllers to vibrate
- revised auto-braking system to decrease jitter and slow down more smoothly
- set auto-braking system to engage when throttles are zero and vehicle is moving slowly
- tweaked tire traction for vert ramps
- made vehicle velocity add up to 20% additional grenade launch force
- increased message time from 7.5 seconds to 9 seconds in message feed
- fixed bug that prevented unlockable panels from displaying when content was unlocked
- fixed bug in calculating number of landed stunt gaps for current stage
v0.12.3 (Build 564): July 19, 2022
- revised tutorial system:
- added voice instructions
- added floating marker UI for highlighting things
- changed "Stunt" section to "Aerial" and provided instructions for Thruster Controls
- fixed reference controller button highlighting
- fixed controller haptics bug where wheel damage caused both controllers to vibrate
- revised auto-braking system to decrease jitter and slow down more smoothly
- set auto-braking system to engage when throttles are zero and vehicle is moving slowly
- tweaked tire traction for vert ramps
- made vehicle velocity add up to 20% additional grenade launch force
- increased message time from 7.5 seconds to 9 seconds in message feed
- fixed bug that prevented unlockable panels from displaying when content was unlocked
- fixed bug in calculating number of landed stunt gaps for current stage
v0.12.2 (Build 558): June 28, 2022
- implemented system for subtly guiding car within lip range of vert ramps
- major modifications to multiple areas of Xenodome
- prevented plane end causing vehicle body gyro system to orient towards last ground angle
- massive reductions in lightmap sizes in all stages
v0.12.1 (Build 553): June 10, 2022
- corrected issue where not all laser blasts originated from current rifle barrel position
- refined tire traction variables to improve terrain & non-terrain driving
- updated Xenodome skybox & dome materials
- made minor updates to Xenodome geometry
- expanded The Flats race track in Xenodome
- disabled mesh vertex position compression as it was distorting some big pipe meshes
- fixed bug that prevented Seeker Balls from exploding
- fixed issue with explosion fireballs not always showing up for explosions
- added setting to disable viewing angle checks for deciding whether rearview camera runs
v0.12.0 (Build 548): May 31, 2022
- upgraded from Unity 2019.4 to 2021.3
- upgraded to new Unity XR system
- upgraded to new Unity input system
- upgraded rendering from Single Pass to Single Pass Instanced (big performance gains)
- upgraded voice chat system to latest version & added positional audio
- upgraded various other packages to latest versions
- upgraded SteamVR and re-implemented SteamVR input for OpenVR
- added default SteamVR input bindings for Oculus Touch, Index, Vive, & WMR
- improved ability to keep wheels on ground while driving on terrain
- added wheel collision damping forces based on wheels pointing forward at impact
- improved ability to drive straight off ramps further by adding angular damping forces
- decreased wheel gyro forces when boat initially becomes airborne
- significant Volcanica terrain changes
- upgraded terrain shader to MicroSplat for better performance & graphics
- doubled grass & vegetation in Volcanica & HyperCorp Complex
- added objective position indicator when not facing towards objective target
- implemented object pooling for plane wings & projectiles
- fixed multiple power-up interaction bugs and cleaned up logic
- set other players & bots to use single audio source for engine & paddle wheel sounds
- increased volume of tire collision sounds
- disabled hand interactor collisions with most colliders to improve efficiency
- added launcher power meter to rifle for Spiked Balls and Seeker Balls
- improved glow / bloom effects
- improved menu memory usage and performance
- fixed multiple menu interactivity bugs (buttons & scrollbars)
- fixed UI pointer hand swapping bug when hands touch menu object
- added trophies to Races & Challenges menu panel
- added unlocking conditions to Races & Challenges panel & various Match Setup fields
- made Vector Stadium locked by default and adjusted some other unlockables
- improved hyperwheel particle effects
- updated look of boosts to help players determine boost orientation
- overhauled layers to decrease unnecessary physics interactions
- set CTF short respawn time 2 player limit to disregard bots
- fixed power-up question mark icon display over water
- made the new sign posts rigidbodies that can be knocked over
- changed spectator follow camera to physics-based movement
- adjusted spectator controls to use average of head & hands positions for forward
- added stick input movement to follow cam to adjust follow offset position
- made players hitting speeds that should be unreachable trigger a respawn
- smoothed out networked vehicle body rotation
- added real velocity to speedometer when difference is 20% or greater
- fixed speedometer bug that resulted in slightly inaccurate speeds
- fixed bug where boat grounded in water couldn't accelerate from either traction or paddles
- improved boat forces to always ride along surface even if boat is pointed down into water
- improved plane pitch stability
- improved efficiency of boundary damage application
- improved thruster controls interaction efficiency & added sound to grab/ungrab
- fixed bug where B button release after manual respawn was still triggering "recover"
- added sound & animation to positional boosts & made them apply forces to projectiles
- fixed bug with upside-down plane grounded gyro not rotating in correct direction
- added checkered flags to all race finish line checkpoints
- regenerated fonts to improve text sharpness
- added new "Stones" unlockable vehicle decal
- fixed audio distortion bug when using smaller than regular World Scale settings
v0.11.11 (Build 452): November 26, 2021
- combined meshes to optimize all stages resulting in substantially fewer CPU draw calls
- combined meshes on vehicle where possible & added LOD levels to limit detail at a distance
- fixed harsh red lighting around Volcanica Bridge in Volcanica
- added new tunnel under Trident Falls in Volcanica that exits the North hills
- added new warning & speed suggestion signs to various places in Xenodome & Volcanica
- fixed plane / boat removal bug at match start for races & regions that start with car mod
- improved ability to drive straight off ramps
- made paddle wheel splash audio louder and increased particle system intensity
- updated water shader
- added new tunnel under Trident Falls in Volcanica that exits the North hills
- fixed harsh red lighting around Volcanica Bridge in Volcanica
- mesh combining in all stages resulting in big CPU draw call reductions
- added new warning & speed suggestion signs to various places in Xenodome & Volcanica
- made paddle wheel splash audio louder and increased particle system intensity
v0.11.10 (Build 446): November 17, 2021
- fixed multiple potential errors with player connects / disconnects
- fixed bug that incorrectly linked 3rd-person power-ups with vehicle power-ups
- updated 3rd-person power-ups to use custom item positions if they are set
- upgraded grass / foliage package to latest version to correct error
v0.11.9 (Build 443): November 11, 2021
- made bots shoot worse and less frequently
- various audio volume tweaks
- fixed bug that made Seeker Ball challenges end early
- fixed bug that removed name markers for cube cams after stage change
v0.11.8 (Build 440): November 4, 2021
- updated bot player driver targeting to use last visible position of player
- set players & bots to be initialized for match if they join / get created during match
- set high point stunts to show up in message feed for other players in Free Play
- fixed bug that sometimes prevented stage networked objects from spawning for clients
v0.11.7 (Build 433): October 29, 2021
- major bot upgrades:
- AI steering overhaul; much better dodging of walls & obstacles
- added scans for ground drops ahead of wheels
- major revisions to risk analysis system
- added player detection to sphere scan that was previously used just to detect items
- implemented waypoint system to allow bots to race effectively on many tracks
- added target searching behaviour when getting shot by a laser
- many details added to decision-making about driving instructions & power-ups
- multiple power-ups fixed including Spring & Boat
- fixed Smasher time limit (it was not being applied to bots)
- bots now use thruster controls to straighten out airborne maneuvers
- added "Repaint Bot" button to randomize the colors & decal
- Yellow Team added: new teams number setting (2 or 3) for all team-based match types
- adjusted regions with vehicle mods to automatically give new Boat Kits & Plane Kits
- limited custom vehicle mods to a single checkpoint during races
- set vehicle mod checkpoints to automatically give new vehicle mods if needed
- improved stability of respawns
- improved spawn point positions in "Stadium Sky" & "Trident Mountain Range" regions
- fixed bug where grounded gyro forces were being applied to vehicles when on their side
- added 6 new car colors:
- Faded Yellow
- Bright Green
- Faded Green
- Sky Blue
- Faded Blue
- Light Brown
- added 2 new car decals: "V Lines" & "Tiles"
- tweaked some existing car colors
- fixed bug that prevented Smasher collisions from making sounds
- fixed bug with lasers appearing to go through walls and slowed down laser animation
- fixed UI bug with object markers displaying in front of menu
- fixed additional bug with object markers with display ranges set
- fixed bug where match countdown text would sometimes not display
- fixed bug where lasers could hit rifle when moving at high speeds
- added rocket to launcher end when rocket is the next loaded projectile
- moved next projectile icon to top of rifle HUD and placed projectiles 2 & 3 below
- added Measuring Units setting with Metric & Imperial options for speeds & distances
- removed auto-gyro pitch stabilization setting (supplanted by thruster controls)
- fixed power-up bug where a full power boost could break hand interactivity
- made "Recover" orient vehicle with ground plane instead of just straight up
v0.11.6 (Build 411): August 25, 2021
- implemented auto-thrust secondary function to thruster controls
- easy switching between auto & manual thrust; just grab controls for manual
- will point in velocity direction according to up direction until vehicle starts falling
- when vehicle is falling, it will level out rather than point towards ground
- will attempt to align with the ground plane as the ground approaches
- adjusted thrusters to kick in gradually over the course of 0.75 seconds
- adjusted thrusters to deplete less charge for really small adjustments
- improved rotational damping for thrusters
- made body gyro system smoother on ramps
- improved "Recover" function behaviour (car orientation is now properly maintained)
- fixed bug that caused laser grid boundary to get stuck in visible state
- updated Vector Stadium stage graphic
v0.11.5 (Build 400): August 6, 2021
- intro sequence tweaks
- fixed third-person camera bugs (UI & follow behaviour)
- fixed "Hybrid" perspective setting third-person camera activation
- implemented custom inventory item positions including rifle & thruster controls
- fixed bug where spectator collider was sometimes disabled in "Free" mode
- enforced time limits for server rejoin if player kicked for serious reason
- added low-pass audio filter for when player is submerged
v0.11.4 (Build 390): August 1, 2021
- more CPU optimizations
- fixed bug that caused networked car body to drift from correct orientation
v0.11.3 (Build 374): July 6, 2021
- fixed match initialization bug
- fixed bug that breaks hand power-up interactivity
- fixed issue with SteamVR center position resetting
- increased thruster force by 15%
v0.11.2 (Build 373): July 1, 2021
- added new thruster system for correcting & stabilizing car rotation in the air
- thruster charge is used up and must be recharged by driving or boating
- holographic sphere can be grabbed and rotated to control thrusters
- thrusters control pitch / yaw / roll car rotation only; they don't adjust trajectory
- added 2 yaw thrusters to car & 4 roll / pitch thrusters underneath
- new "Thrusters" match modifier controls the availability of thrusters
- added "Thrust Penalty" to stunt system
- big performance improvements: optimized many scripts including UI & hand interactions
- added new "Island Triathlon Course" race track to Volcanica that features all 3 vehicle types
- Volcano Pass race track terrain changes
- adjusted recover interactable position and fixed flickering bug
- fixed bug that prevented Boost Penalty from being updated based on boost time
- fixed bug that caused stunt modifiers to get overwritten as stunt HUD is displayed
- improved tire traction on terrain
- replaced "Flames" car decal and added new "Dots" decal
- adjusted Chase matches to allow damage & death from stage hazards
- updated Oculus SDK
v0.11.1 (Build 353): June 1, 2021
- adjusted trigger throttle input settings to use B button for toggling reverse throttle
- adjusted trigger throttle input settings to apply brakes when throttle input is zero
- added control setting to toggle the plane's pitch auto-leveling system
- fixed bug where player's center position gets moved over time
v0.11.0 (Build 351): May 25, 2021
- added stage 6: "Sky Fortress"
- changed default forward-facing driving control mode from "Regular" to "Dual"
- updated driver IK system (VRIK 2.0) and set IK to be reset on respawn
- adjusted suspension to be tighter when car is slow to prevent vibration
- increased physics framerate to improve suspension stability on ramps at high speeds
- decreased bounce from suspension system on landings
- added "Solid Overlay" option to Comfort Cage setting and made it default
- made non-3D Comfort Cage options fade between states
- excluded plane flying from "Airborne Only" Comfort Cage option
- reduced over-correction in point steering by taking current turning velocity into account
- adjusted hand pointing flight input to use hand rotation for roll rather than point direction
- fixed player naming bug where Steam names were not always being applied
- fixed haptics setting not being enabled by default
- added power meter UI to wrists for power-ups that use it
- fixed multiple power-up reset interactivity bugs
- improved haptics for power-up power meter
- made boost use power meter for boost force as well as duration
- swapped out rifle HUD charge percentage text with meter
- implemented feature locking and adjusted some processes for upcoming demo
- fixed issue with planes falling out of sky during countdown
- improvements to tutorial system
- increased Seeker Ball scan radius from 90m to 120m
- increased Spy Rocket scan radius from 120m to 260m
- increased Homing Rocket scan radius from 220m to 260m
- made Spy Rocket player scans show the player marker for the whole team and notify target player
- added custom boundaries to various regions and challenges
- made continued contact with boundaries do damage
- made boundaries do damage to projectiles
- allowed spectators to trigger boundary visibility
- added particle effect when players die
- added sounds to menu interactions
- added additional sounds for message feed messages
- adjusted "360 Body Rotation" play style to hide wheels when menu is visible
- fixed bug with client match stats not being reset properly (kills & deaths)
- added "Recover Vehicle" interactable when vehicle is stuck on side
- minor updates to Xenodome (cutout through ramp to North outer area)
- minor updates to HyperCorp Complex (new spotlights and docks, bridge adjustment)
- changed some fonts to Arial to improve readability (message feed & tutorial instructions)
v0.10.5 (Build 328): February 9, 2021
- tweaked recent car / boat acceleration adjustments
- fixed bug that could prevent power-ups from working
- added to Southeast area of HyperCorp Complex
- made 2 sections of Southern Sea Loop track easier
v0.10.4 (Build 326): February 6, 2021
- implemented experimental "rail grinding" feature:
- uses lean system using head & hand positions
- added grind time & distance to stunt system
- added grinding stunt modifiers
- added grind stunt gaps
- made Spring work while grinding (but much weaker)
- added grind rails to Vector Stadium, Xenodome, and HyperCorp Complex
- fixed bug with stunt modifiers not always being triggered
- adjusted fences and ramps in lower level of Xenodome
- fixed energy shield collision bug with newly created projectiless
- fixed bug where underwater status wasn't being reset on respawn
- adjusted boat turning to drift more and retain speed again
- adjusted HyperCorp River and Lake Hopper Route race tracks
- adjusted top speed torque cut-off for car & boat for more consistent top speeds
- made local boosts take over more velocity direction for boats (like planes)
- set wheel brakes when menu is open
- fixed bug where driving boat into water from land sometimes resulted in extreme speeds
- decreased max boost time from 3 seconds to 2 seconds
- tweaked HyperCorp River and Lake Hopper Route race tracks
v0.10.3 (Build 324): January 26, 2021
- made significant changes & additions to Vector Stadium
- added new "Outer Zone" region to Vector Stadium
- added 3 rings to Vector Stadium
- increased head height offset range from +/- 20cm to +/- 40cm
- [] fixed bug that prevented remote players' boats from staying upright
- fixed bug with podium not being activated at the end of a race
- fixed audio crackling issues
- fixed menu bug with scrollbar not being automatically enabled when menu reopened
- disabled power-up interactivity when menu is open
v0.10.2 (Build 315): January 22, 2021
- implemented Steam achievements (added initial 5)
- killed off boost forces on respawn
- fixed issue with multiple audio clips playing at app start
- added icons for vehicle mod transitional race checkpoints
- decreased likelihood of wheels catching transitions to new surfaces
- adjusted beginning of Plane Training Track in Flatland (forward & reverse)
v0.10.1 (Build 313): January 17, 2021
- fixed bug where rifle sometimes stopped firing after changing stages
- fixed bug where audio sometimes doubled up after changing stages
- adjusted Races & Challenges panel to update when unlockables are unlocked
- corrected challenge start error when starting online play during a challenge
- added additional fences to Xenodome and adjusted some others
- adjusted Spiked Ball collision audio to not fall off in such a short range
- adjusted match intro text to always show stage name
- fixed bug that made remote players' driver suit selections overwrite local saved selection
- adjusted one-handed rifle grab yaw rotation 3 degrees for OpenVR to make aiming easier
- fixed head height inconsistencies between Oculus SDK and OpenVR
- fixed bot scanner materials
v0.10.0 (Build 308): January 7, 2021
- set default regions for each stage to smaller ones (not "All")
- upgraded hand interaction system from VRTK 4 to Tilia
- fixed bug that sometimes prevented power-up activation
- reduced wait time between power-ups to improve launcher loading behaviour
- fixed rifle angle third-person aiming bug for Oculus SDK
- fixed potential issue that permanently prevents rifle from firing
- fixed bug where starting in third-person put driver's head & hand positions too high
- made inventory follow average direction of head & hands for rotation-locked play
- made HUD follow player direction rather than car direction for rotation-locked play
- added Grab Mode control setting to enable toggle grab
- added Draw Distance graphics setting
- fixed bug where comfort cage could show up when airborne even if it was turned off
- fixed menu bug that allowed buttons on inactive pages to be active
- adjusted sliders to hide min / max values until being dragged / adjusted
- fixed bug where car wheels continued to spin with previous torque after respawning
- adjusted tutorial system to not continue auto-starting if a player manually exits
- adjusted tutorial system to automatically end if non-Free Play match is started
- adjusted tutorial system to not show flag markers for other players
- temporarily disabled app pausing
- added haptics to grenade / rocket launching
- added smoke effect to launcher
v0.9.10 (Build 303): December 22, 2020
- tweaked car suspension
- added green room to Xenodome to connect Southwest corner to South outer wall area
v0.9.9 (Build 301): December 19, 2020
- switched off tonemapper and made colors warmer and brighter
- adjusted bloom due to new tone settings
- rebaked lightmaps in multiple stages
- fixed near field clipping for helmet vignette for wider FOV headsets
- fixed point steering sphere position for OpenVR
- fixed bug where boat could get stuck upside-down
- set grounded gyro to disable when car is on its side (on one wheel)
- reduced lateral velocity damping in boat
- fixed bug where "Reset VR Position" in third-person breaks driver head & hand positions
- fixed bug where third-person power-up interactions didn't always work
- fixed third-person one-handed rifle direction pointing
- adjusted water fog algorithm and fixed bug that prevented it from showing
- raised player markers so they don't cover cars
- turned off auto-gyro pitch stabilization setting by default
- removed step from menu section of tutorial system
- fixed potential errors caused by tutorial system
- fixed car bumper UV mapping
- increased unlockable driver suits from 6 to 13 ("Camo Green" removed, 8 new ones added)
- streamlined online play process (auto-creating session, showing session list on disconnect)
- fixed auto-join session checkbox to uncheck after player has joined a session
- fixed race & match position display in players list
- raised menu in first-person view
v0.9.8 (Build 298): December 9, 2020
- fixed point steering sharp turn reverse throttle resulting in more responsive steering
- adjusted regular stick steering to use reverse wheel throttle at the horizontal extremes
- adjusted "360째 Body Rotation" play style to make inventory and holstered rifle stationary
- fixed bug where remote car wheels weren't spinning on the ground
v0.9.7 (Build 296): December 2, 2020
- implemented yaw controls into plane for all control modes & steering input configurations
- modified Plane Training Track, Vector Sky Course, and Trident Mountain Tour race tracks
- added new "Races & Challenges" panel for quick launching any race or challenge
- fixed water trigger bug leading to slow cars and boats that don't float in water
- implemented elimination challenge time bonuses if all targets are eliminated
- added new "Hunting Grounds" challenge to Volcanica where Seeker Balls run from players
- renamed "Rings on the Roof" challenge to "Rooftop Ring Rampage"
v0.9.6 (Build 289): November 23, 2020
- implemented Challenge system (new match type / game mode) with 7 initial challenges
- Challenge system integrated with online leaderboards like Race and Stunt
- implemented Match Modifier system with various new match settings:
- Armor & Health: adjust car armor and driver health
- Power-Up Generator: have power-ups auto-generated for players at a set rate
- added descriptions to race tracks (in the message feed as well as the Track selection field)
- fixed projectile dropping at speed (was getting high forward velocity from car)
- increased Grenade bounciness
- forced Spiked Ball & Seeker Ball ungrab if activated and they begin expanding expanding
- increased Spy Rocket fuel time (5.5 to 8 seconds) and fixed its empty fuel falling angle
- increased Homing Rocket speed (100 m/s to 110 m/s)
- prevented headset removal game pause at game start which fixes audio issues
- increased checkpoint spawn point variation
- added "Abort" menu button that causes the player to die
- added "Start New Match" button in place of "Respawn" & "Abort" buttons after matches
- increased match auto-launch time (12 seconds to 45 seconds) & disabled it for single player
- set Deployable Spawn Point to hide when no longer in Free Play
- renamed Vector Boat Track to Vector Channel
- renamed Vector Plane Track to Vector Sky Course
- made Vector Channel track easier on West side
- eliminated some unnecessary message feed messages and improved others
- moved message feed closer to cockpit to prevent boat paddles from interfering with display
- made message feed messages smaller
- prevented player damage at the start of a race until players hit their first checkpoint
- improved boat handling (fixed velocity damping issue)
- improved boat boosting behaviour
- restored increased drag and angular drag for boat on land
- put torque matching and torque biasing systems on curves to improve steering
- decreased default torque matching threshold from 25% to 15%
- decreased default torque biasing threshold from 22% to 12%
- increased default torque biasing redistributable torque from 22% to 60%
- increased torque biasing max redistributable torque from 35% to 100%
- added "Reset Advanced to Defaults" button to reset torque, deadzone, and sensitivity sliders
- fixed input bug where "Regular" stick steering was being reversed when airborne
- fixed bug with match type not changing when changing stage at the same time
- increased size of Capture The Flag team zones
- added giant flags to Capture The Flag team zones
v0.9.5 (Build 280): November 9, 2020
- implemented online leaderboard data loading in Stats panels
- fixed recording of best lap times
- added menu page for deleting stored game data
- made point steering relative to head if car rotating too fast for meaningful input
- added UI sphere to show hand pointing direction for hand pointing input (with setting)
- corrected third-person camera twitchiness when driving
- minor tweaks to Xenodome and Volcanica stages
v0.9.4 (Build 270): October 31, 2020
- fixed issue with activating 2 power-ups at the same time
- made it easier to activate power-up by allowing it to be activated after hand exits
- revised launch forces for all non-rocket projectiles
- adjusted thrown projectiles to not collide with player's vehicle for a time
- improved projectile throwing
- fixed issue with starting grenade fuse while holding grenade
- increased plane pitch torque
- removed right trigger as input for cycling through spectator follow cams
- implemented analog input deadzone setting ranging from 0% to 10%
- fixed menu toggle position for spectator when using OpenVR
v0.9.3 (Build 267): October 27, 2020
- added new "Play Style" selector at start-up; 2 options adjust multiple underlying settings
- "360째 Body Rotation" play style improvements
- changed menu to update orientation when player rotates head with rotation locking on
- tweaked Hand Point steering
- adjusted Free Play respawns to always give a plane kit if the player doesn't have one
- added new dashboard instrument that identifies the up direction at all times
- added contextual label to menu toggle
- modified Intro stage to last until player chooses to exit
- added Intro-specific main menu page with limited options
- made tutorial work in Intro stage
- improved tutorial (removed unnecessary text, fixed display bugs)
- fixed online session list page layout
- decreased size of message feed messages
- disabled ability to "Recover" when airborne
- adjusted plane not to stall underwater
- tweaked bot AI
- fixed bot flight input
- fixed bug where lasers were sometimes not visible over sky
- improved object marker positioning (especially for spectator view)
- fixed bug where bots could pick up flags in tutorial (making it impossible to complete)
- fixed bug where HUD marker wasn't showing up for first checkpoints of races
- adjusted race record system to submit all lap times rather than just the best
v0.9.2 (Build 262): October 18, 2020
- increased angular drag of car to slow down spins faster
- increased airborne gyro pitch and yaw forces to balance with higher angular drag
- additional car suspension refinements
- improved car's ability to right itself quickly after bouncing
- decreased stunt landing evaluation time back to 3 seconds
- improved plane's lift / thrust flight model
- put plane thrust of a force curve for slower ramp up to top speed
- added auto-leveling feature to plane to help players fly level
- fixed bug where boundary wasn't showing up in some stages
v0.9.1 (Build 259): October 6, 2020
- decreased menu size & moved it closer to player
- various menu page layout changes
- added inline option selector form field type to improve settings input
- simplified "View & Comfort" and "Controls" settings pages
- implemented UI pointer tooltip system & added tooltip messages to various UI targets
- added tooltip descriptions to all unlockables
- made UI pointers turn red when highlighting some targets
- renamed "Classic" control mode to "Regular" as it is used for many varying control styles
- added menu toggle hand interactable for third-person view
- adjusted Motion Lines to work in third-person view
- eliminated third-person camera height jitter
- improved third-person view offsets for all World Scale / Follow Distance combinations
- adjusting extrapolation settings to slightly smooth networked car position updates
- fixed bug where deployable spawn point changed to wrong color after being recalled
- fixed bug with third-person gun interfering with grounded gyro system raycasts
- fixed bug that made engine audio too quiet for remote players
- fixed bug where held projectiles were colliding with car
- tweaked Seeker Ball remote collisions & explosion triggering
- slowed down Seeker Ball in water
- brightened Seeker Ball material
- fixed issue with projectile markers showing up after creation even when out of range
- changed explosion damage / force calculations to use a curve rather than fall off linearly
- fixed bug where explosions weren't destroying Energy Shields
- tweaked car physics / suspension for performance
- doubled Energy Shield hit points (100 to 200)
- fixed bug that prevented "Checker" decal from being unlocked
- exempted Spring and Boost power-ups from being disabled after match is over
- improved boat driving stability
- improved boat stability while floating up after using Boat Kit underwater
- corrected plane's tendency to turn the nose up when not adjusting pitch
- increased airborne gyro easing time (1 to 1.5 seconds)
- fixed airborne gyro easing for coming out of water
- hid seat back for rotation-locked play (Horizon and Full)
- made laser blasts bigger and more visible from a distance
- increased laser "bullet hole" decal size
- added sound to important messages in message feed & changed color of match messages
- added additional messages to message feed for power-up failures
- increased mileage requirements for unlocking locked stages
- reversed default stick driving controls (right stick = throttle, left stick = steering)
- made scroll bars work with stick without needing to select them or highlight them
- standardized stick scroll rate across pages or panels regardless of content size
- fixed bug causing max projectile power-up limit to be enforced unnecessarily
- increased stunt landing evaluation time from 3 to 3.5 seconds
v0.9.0 (Build 252): August 21, 2020
- optimized various startup activities (delaying loading of menu and other things)
- optimized instantiating players & bots
- added main theme music during game intro and implemented Music Volume setting
- updated various third-party packages
- increased FOV for rearview camera
- adjusted car physics on terrain
- resolved issue with boat not driving at full speed
- fixed third-person camera behaviour when car is aerial (was rotating to face forward like in reverse)
- fixed explosion line of sight checking bug (explosions through walls)
- significantly increased explosion forces
- increased explosion damage delay time
- decreased grenade blast radius from 80m to 60m
- increased boost force for boat
- fixed bug where remote players' rifle positions and rotations were wrong
- fixed bug where new power-up was sometimes not overwriting an existing one
- fixed stunt HUD modifiers layout bug
- fixed stunt gap bug where reversible gaps weren't working in the reverse direction
- fixed issue with Seeker Balls not going up steep inclines like quarterpipe ramps
- fixed point steering issue with rotating wrists affecting steering direction
- fixed bug that allowed used up power-ups to be used again infinitely
- increased screenshot resolution to 2560x1440 & made screenshots use full FOV rather than a single VR eye
- added FOV setting for screenshot camera
- hid third-person UI elements like transparent sphere hands & rifle aiming tube for screenshots
- brightened match start info text and included stage name when region is set to "All"
- set up Oculus usernames to be stored for new players when on Oculus platform
- fixed bug where bots couldn't use directional boosts
- added billboard with new cover art to HyperCorp Complex along with associated stunt gaps & ring
- updated app icon
v0.8.17 (Build 238): July 25, 2020
- changed "Left Hand" / "Right Hand" input options to "Left Hand Position" / "Right Hand Position"
- added "Left Hand Point" / "Right Hand Point" steering input options (works well for rotation-locked play)
- adjusted VR position resetting to reset rotation to vehicle's for rotation-locked players
- fixed bug where cockpit power-ups sometimes shrink and never grow back to normal size
- adjusted head camera position to improve helmet vignette (and defaulted it to on)
- lowered Comfort Cage a bit so that middle line isn't covering important space
- decreased angular velocity threshold for Comfort Cage angular velocity-based limiter
- changed 3D Comfort Cage material not to emit light
- fixed bug where closing & opening menu hid Stats & Progress page content
- changed projectile power-up creation sound
- smoothed out ground in various places in Volcanica
- major geometry updates to HyperCorp Complex
v0.8.16 (Build 233): July 17, 2020
- replaced splash screen with an intro scene featuring Neon Engine logo and bots
- changed startup to load the last played stage after the intro new scene has finished
- fixed bug in bots where they wouldn't use Seeker Balls or Homing Rockets
- made match start info text white and fixed layering so it appears behind menu
- adjusted spectator message feed to rotate with player
- adjusted poll system to only auto-open on initial stage load if player has not provided a response
- fixed bug with cube cams not getting reconnected to spectator entities after stage changes
- added "Show player markers" and "Show color trails for your Cube Cam" to General Settings
- increased cube cam trail time from 2 seconds to 5 seconds
- decreased laser blast volume
- added a Gun Sight setting with 7 different sight graphics and increased resolution of default sight graphic
- improved aimer to position itself on top of close targets better and to properly show its targeting car wheels
- optimized inventory system power-up creation and destruction
- prevented 2 power-ups from being activated at the same time
- added sound effect when a projectile item is created from a power-up
- fixed bug that prevented deployable spawn point from showing up on initial match start
- fixed bug where grabbed items were momentarily disappearing when driving at high speeds
- increased size of launcher load target
- adjusted some setting labels and increased some panel sizes to better cover menu pages underneath panels
- tweaked follow cam distances
- adjusted default seated height upward slightly
- added third-person "rifle" object that lets player aim effectively from third-person view
- added mirrored set of the player's power-ups for direct interaction in third-person view
- adjusted Red Team / Blue Team car customization slots to always be available
- prevented issue where poll option collider were being activated even when poll panel was hidden
- when using first-person or third-person world locking, made menu always open facing player
- fixed bug where aerial auto-gyro was enabled at launch regardless of current setting
- increased car angular drag, dampened aerial gyro forces, and made aerial spinning wheels slow down faster
- adjusted plane flight model
v0.8.15 (Build 225): July 7, 2020
- added in-game changelog and made it show up on version updates
- implemented poll system to gather player feedback more effectively
- overhauled Neon Engine server API for future expansion
- adjusted Deployable Spawn Point to spawn players raised up a bit to ensure wheel doesn't start in the ground
v0.8.14 (Build 223): June 25, 2020
- added Homing Rocket power-up
- updated Flatland geometry (new platform over the water in the pool for car vs. boat combat) and changed out wall and ceiling textures
- added 3 more rings to Flatland and changed the position of an existing ring (all 5 stages = 100 now)
- fixed bug where boundary kills were happening when player wasn't out of bounds
v0.8.13 (Build 220): June 20, 2020
- implemented new regions system that contains sets of spawn points within the stages
- regions defined in all 5 stages
- some regions start players with a boat or a plane
- fixed additional menu bugs (more inactive UI elements being selectable and interfering with active page)
- fixed bug with invisible ring and stunt gap ramp icons for default active slide on the Progress page
- fixed bug where number of rings was not updated after loading a new stage
- set Deathmatch points limit to 10 and Team Deathmatch points limit to 25
- increased size of ring collider
- added 2 rings to Flatland
v0.8.12 (Build 219): June 18, 2020
- upgraded to Unity 2019.4
- added hand position (left & right) as input control options, with new calibration system for setting boundaries
- added steering UI for all control modes and steering input options
- fixed UI bug where some percentage sliders were displaying values 100 times too high
- fixed flight controls for Classic control mode (significantly improved pitch & roll blending)
- added match type (and race track) display in front of car during countdown / match start
- fixed issues with damaging Spiked Balls and Seeker Balls owned by other players
- fixed regression preventing previous client stage loading sequence improvements (notifying before transitioning, not shutting down player camera)
- fixed "Push To Talk" voice broadcast mode setting
- minor tweaks to new Motion Lines feature
- added first-person vignette ("Show helmet") comfort setting
- added "3D" comfort cage type
- smoothed out car suspension & physics for low speeds and sharp turns
- improved traction on quarterpipe walls
- adjusted plane thrust formula (increased diving speed)
- increased plane boost force slightly
v0.8.11 (Build 215): June 9, 2020
- added sounds for networked smasher hits
- fixed networked smasher damage delay on kills
- doubled blast radius for grenades and rockets (40m to 80m) and increased the blast forces applied to objects
- allowed blast forces to apply in Chase matches even when damage isn't
- added "Seeker Ball" power-up:
- if you launch it, it keeps driving at it's current velocity and will scan for players to run into and explode
- if you just throw it, it stays put until it spots a player to chase and run into
- if there is just one player and no bots, it will chase the player who launched it
- fixed networked smasher damage delay on kills and added sounds for smasher hits
- adjusted no-throttle input steering auto-throttle system to work more consistently
v0.8.10 (Build 213): June 5, 2020
- disabled torque matching system for "Classic" control mode (was creating deadzone)
- renamed "Pro" control mode to "Dual"
- reduced turning sensitivity in boat for "Classic" control mode
- set default to Left Stick / Trackpad for both flight inputs instead of defaulting to separate sticks
- adjusted default Torque Matching
- fixed quarterpipe ramp in Flatland and some other geometry
- fixed bug where activating third-person camera made golden rings disappear
- eliminated the taking of damage when player the shoots their own wheel with the rifle
- fixed additional bug that prevented damage to cars
- fixed display bug where shooting a really close object showed the laser going through the object
- fixed bug where menu wasn't opening on start-up
- added shortcut menu button to toggle between Match page and the previous page
- moved Comfort Cage inside player object rather than car
- omitted Comfort Cage from dashboard panel screen and third-person cameras
- added Comfort Cage setting to lock its rotation to the world rotation
- implemented "Motion Lines" comfort setting
- split up "Lock Horizon" setting into "First-Person Rotation Lock" with options of:
- None
- Horizon (Pitch & Roll)
- Pitch, Roll, & Yaw
- made the same change for the third-person camera setting and set its default to "Horizon Pitch & Roll)"
- fixed UI pointer highlighting / button selecting bugs
- fixed UI bug where closing and re-opening menu scrolled page further down
- fixed UI bug where sliders that used whole numbers weren't populating values on start-up
- improved core UI functionality around showing and hiding sections of button / form elements on pages
- made big changes to Controls settings page
- moved view / camera settings from "General" to "Comfort" and renamed the page to "View & Comfort"
- added a Follow Camera Type setting for Rigid / Smooth
- fixed HUD scale and positioning for third-person camera for all world scales
- improved follow camera behaviour when driving in reverse or camera is caught up (facing forward instead of pointing at car)
- made Recover / Race Respawn work while menu is open
v0.8.9 (Build 210): May 27, 2020
- added new "Flatland" stage for learning the basics without so much ramp inteference and made it the starting stage
- moved Vector Stadium ahead of Xenodome which makes Xenodome stage 3 now instead of stage 1
- fixed menu bug where Match page buttons were sometimes being activated when on another menu page
- fixed bug where potency for all stunt modifiers was being decreased in Stunt matches rather than just the active ones
- fixed bug where stunt modifiers become increasingly powerful
- fixed sparks particle system bug that over time results in the inability to cause damage to players
- reduced jitter in car physics
- reduced cases where wheel colliders catch the surface of an incline and upset the car
- dampened boat buoyant forces based on vertical velocity to make bounces out from the water less extreme
- fixed stunt bug where air time could be longer than the total stunt time (when ending a boat)
- increased underwater plane speed slightly
- significantly reduced boat rocking
- added control setting to "Use auto-gyro pitch stabilization when airborne" (just like on the ground and enabled by default)
- fixed Torque Biasing Threshold and Torque Biasing Percentage control settings and added Torque Matching Threshold setting
- increased "Boing!" stunt bonus from 15% to 20%
- decreased Spiked Ball launch force
- adjusted Spiked Ball collision sounds (range, volume, sound effects)
- changed Smasher collision sounds to be heavier (the same as Spiked Ball rather than the wing collision sound)
- made Smasher collision sounds play when colliding with environment (rather than just other cars)
- networked vehicle "grounded" status to control plane wing contrails and wing engine audio for remote players
- increased plane wing engine audio volume for remote players
- added additional reflection probes to Vector Stadium
- adjusted Spy Rocket to not detect owner player
- implemented new Comfort Setting: "Use forward camera on cockpit screen"
- slightly increased cockpit camera screen resolution (and fixed aspect ratio)
- moved rearview camera away slightly to show more of wheels
- reduced Smasher time from 30 seconds to 8 seconds for races
- increased Deathmatch winning points number from 6 to 10
- adjusted wheel engine audio volumes and pitches and added a unique slight pitch bias for each other player
- changed audio clip for tire squeal (and added multiple new ones)
v0.8.8 (Build 201): May 13, 2020
- added graphics settings to new menu page at Settings > Graphics:
- Supersampling (VR Only)
- Anti-Aliasing (MSAA)
- Texture Resolution
- Shadow Resolution
- Shadow Distance
- optimized various scripts (such as power-ups and player) to reduce CPU overhead
- smoothed out terrain in Northeast Volcanica (section of "Trident Falls" race track)
- adjusted conditions for many Unlockables
- fixed UI bug where some buttons from inactive pages were interactable
- fixed UI bug where buttons and sliders stayed highlighted after use, resulting in accidental use
- flipped power-up icosphere model normals to put them behind power-up icons
- adjusted terrain material and increased sunlight intensity in Volcanica to compensate
- increased grab area for rifle so picking it up with both hands works better at speed
- moved Smasher forward a bit so it doesn't hit wheels while flying plane
- added spotlights to HyperCorp Complex and re-baked lightmaps
v0.8.7 (Build 196): May 6, 2020
- fixed bug where changing stages in third-person ruined first-person camera position
- improved stage change transitions for hosting server
- fixed bug where aimer wasn't disappearing when going back to first-person perspective
- fixed bug where player leaving session breaks host's ability to start new matches
- fixed bug where golden rings weren't being activated when switching back to Free Play
- added a golden ring to Vector Stadium
- fixed race spawn height in water for "Vector Boat Track" race track
- increased boat motor force and turning torque when boat is used with a Smasher
- fixed Vector Stadium water triggers
- added underwater tunnel to Vector Stadium
- made tutorial work in Vector Stadium
- added a button for advancing the tutorial step on the Match page
- split up Xenodome floor into 4 meshes to improve shadows
- increased the size of the big red ramp in Xenodome to get into the Xenobowl easier
- removed water caustics projectors from vehicles, players, and power-ups
- added delay before turning off active checkpoint light
- decreased car material metallic quality to make car paint brighter again
- increased Spiked Ball launch force
- disabled vehicle collisions for held Grenades and Spiked Balls
- added water resistance forces for floating Spiked Balls
- made wing jet sound more audible at a distance
- fixed Survival & Team Survival match completion evaluation
- fixed underwater fog prevention bug when a player spawns directly underwater
- brightened Smasher and Spiked Ball materials
- increased networked car position error tolerance for smoother remote player animation
- decreased mileage requirements for unlocking Deployable Spawn Point
- made wheel / Smasher collisions not prevent plane flight
v0.8.6 (Build 190): April 29, 2020
- added new "Vector Stadium" stage with 3 simple race tracks (1 for each vehicle type)
- implemented object pooling for particle effects to improve performance
- improvements to submersible for more complex water volumes (to support Vector Stadium water layout)
- implemented third-person view in Settings > General, with 3 different Camera Follow Distance options
- added "Use third-person view when airborne" comfort setting
- added aimer for rifle for third-person view
- made Comfort Cage "Airborne Only" and "High Angular Velocity Only" settings work
- reduced spectator movement speed and adjusted spectator movement input curve
- ignored collisions between spectator and local player vehicle
- adjusted vehicle wheel raycast layer mask to ignore more layers
- made Spring work in boat (with alternate sound effect)
- adjusted power-ups disabled message to only run once every 3 seconds
- adjusted power-ups to ignore hands that are already holding an object
- adjusted instant-start power-ups like Springs to not get triggered if both menu buttons are active
v0.8.5 (Build 184): April 22, 2020
- adjusted location-based boosts not to disable rings for 5 seconds like power-up boosts do
- grass optimizations
- rearview camera optimizations
- added Springs to sea floor of "Trident Mountain Tour" race track and adjusted spawn points for checkpoint 9
- trophy time adjustments on "Southern Sea Loop", "Trident Falls", and "Sunset Bay" race tracks
- added 2 Golden Rings to HyperCorp Complex
v0.8.4 (Build 181): April 17, 2020
- fixed quantity numbers in power-up pick up messages when picking up additional units of a power-up type
- fixed display issue with tall dry grass in Volcanica (was showing up as large bright white glow)
- fixed bug where losing wings one at a time did not reset vehicle drag after losing both wings
- fixed bug where selected microphone resets when stage changes
- added new "Trident Mountain Tour" plane race track to Volcanica
- switched race start grid back to 2 column setup (from 3) and staggered them so plane wings don't clash
- doubled plane checkpoint size for all tracks
- adjusted hill near starting point of Trident Falls race track
- moved checkpoint off bridge in "Storm the Gates" race track to allow for Spring channel jump shortcut
- added new "Trident Mountain Tour" plane race track
- adjusted trophy times for "Rocky Ruins Raceway" and "Sunset Bay" race tracks
- re-ordered Volcanica race tracks
- adjusted unlockables to make room for new race track and made some tracks easier to unlock
- fixed stages listed in sessions list (was always showing Xenodome regardless of selected stage)
- renamed "Tag" match type to "Chase" and modified it so special status player earns points instead
- adjusted player markers for "Hunt" matches
- added boosts by Volcanica bridge
- decreased Boost Penalty from -60% to -45%
- fixed power-ups disabled message (was being triggered by hands touching power-ups)
- added "Reset VR Position" button to menu (because there's no button for it on Vive controllers)
- fixed various bugs with plane wing attachment statuses
- prevented plane thrust force before match starts
- adjusted plane creation to re-use (and restore health of) existing, still-attached wings
- set plane mod to be destroyed after race is done
- reduced detached wing lifetime from 2 minutes to 1 minute
- fixed flight respawn for match start prior to first checkpoint (prevent spawning at checkpoint and instead spawn at race start grid)
- fixed flight respawn vehicle body rotation
- fixed initial spawn and increased starting Free Play power-up quantities to maximums (6 Springs, 4 Rockets)
- adjusted power-ups so that wing contact also allows for pick up
- decreased boost force for plane
- increased plane and boat thrust forces for Smasher
- made bots able to end their plane after losing a wing and also made them race respawn for flight tracks when they lose their planes
- fixed bug where bots were losing objective targets after respawning (checkpoints, flags, zones, special players)
- fixed issue with power-ups leaving game objects behind after being destroyed, eventually affecting performance over some time
- fixed projectile marker label issue for bots projectiles where they were being misattributed to player ("My Grenade" / "My Spiked Ball")
- increased size of car colliders for picking up items
- added a 1 minute time limit for unloaded / unexploded rockets (which get removed after they expire)
- adjusted boost point light on rockets to be disabled by default
- added additional quarterpipe to HyperCorp Complex roof halfpipe area
- widened 2 big HyperCorp Complex roof ramps
- added Golden Rings to all 3 stages
- added Stunt Gaps to HyperCorp Complex
- decreased stunt trophy scores for all 3 stages
- improved stage and network mode transitions
- enhanced networked player smoothness
- fixed bug where match type wasn't changing back to "Free Play" for clients because of Free Play's non-use of a countdown
- upgraded Oculus SDK to 1.47
- upgraded Photon Bolt to 1.2.12
v0.8.3 (Build 169): April 9, 2020
- fixed bug where Springs and other action power-ups were being triggered after hands left power-up
- fixed various race trophy times; relaxed bronze trophy times on many tracks
- adjusted some Golden Ring positions in Xenodome
- fixed dropped flag rotation when player carrying flag dies
v0.8.2 (Build 166): April 7, 2020
- fixed bug where picking up a power-up sometimes overwrote a power-up in a "disable" action state (to remove car mods)
- fixed bug where "Current Game" button disappeared and so "Match" page became unavailable
- fixed issue with non-VR game session selection
- fixed various issues with player and projectile markers
- fixed bug where current stage wasn't being updated for clients
- fixed potential error in stage changes that break match control logic
- fixed bug where projectiles weren't always removed from the scene after being loaded into launcher
- removed confirmation window for "Deactivate Bot"
- fixed player list scroll bars
- fixed bug where selected stage wasn't being changed for clients after new stage loaded
- staggered player marker timers by setting random timer start delays
- fixed bug where switching team wasn't updating player marker for other players
- removed code that set voice channel to the team channel when a team-based match started
- set "V" key on keyboard to toggle the active voice channel
- set "Spectators" voice channel not to be used if player count is 3 or less
- added messages when voice channel changes to notify player
- increased race time limit after first player finishes from 2 minutes to 3.5 minutes
- relaxed some mileage unlocking conditions
- fixed some race trophy times
- power-ups that trigger on release, such as the Spring, now work even if player's hand has left the power-up on release
- added haptics for the 0.6 second charge phase of power-ups such as the Spring
- adjusted power-up pickup message to include the quantity of power-ups received
- adjusted Free Play to start all players with power-ups including "Plane Kit"
- fixed bug where touching lava and surviving ruined ability to recover until respawn
- made Xenobowl exit ramp longer for smoother transitions
- added various boosts to Xenodome
- enlarged ramps on the ends of Xenodome tunnel box to make it easier to get on top of it
v0.8.1 (Build 161): March 30, 2020
- relaxed stage and race track unlocking requirements
- adjusted trophy times in Xenobowl Cycle, Outer Wall Trek, and Southern Sea Loop race tracks
- fixed issue with new Volcanica wheel prop
- decreased log level for voice chat system
v0.8.0 (Build 158): March 26, 2020
- launch build! (Steam Early Access)
v0.0.1a (Build 1): March 18, 2019
The initial build. Contained just the "Citadel" stage, shortly after the vehicle physics and driving mechanics were brought to a passable level.